Sunday 17 June 2012

Euro meltdown cartoon ; 'A pile of defaults' ; Grinning cheshire fat cat bonus pay

Tim Burton inspired style of cartoon. Posted on the day of the Greek elections. The candle has almost melted away, its last embers blowing the sign of the euro in smoke rings. In this cartoon, the cheshire cat is bloated and inflated ( like a floating balloon - a popular feature in steampunk art ), representing fat cat executive bonus pay. In the book, 'Alice in Wonderland', the cheshire cat disappears at will, which begs the obvious question, where HAS all the money gone ?

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Steampunk cartoon ; A Media Satire ; The Cyber Mermaid lets off steam...

A steampunk media satire cartoon. Posted at a time when the 'media' itself is in the spotlight. The cyber mermaid has 'Big Brother' eyes ( from reality tv series 2011 ) and copper electrodes are plugged to the 'media machine'. She is a shade of lightbulb yellow ( instead of the usual lime or grass green ) in order to light up the galleries of cyberspace. Steampunk art is better suited to the digital medium - this is just a brief dabble. More detailed notes for this cartoon are at
The Cyber Mermaid cartoon blog continues at